12 Nov Reunion du Cercle de l’Institut du Bosphore, 6 Decembre 2024
Réunion du Cercle de l’Institut du Bosphore "Comment Renforcer la Relation France-Turquie au Service de la Compétitivité Européenne" Vendredi 6 décembre 2024, 09.00 – 11.00...
Réunion du Cercle de l’Institut du Bosphore "Comment Renforcer la Relation France-Turquie au Service de la Compétitivité Européenne" Vendredi 6 décembre 2024, 09.00 – 11.00...
Institut du Bosphore “Bosphorus Rendez-Vous” in Istanbul entitled « Strategic Responses to Global Challenges Europe – Türkiye And Beyond» was held on 3-4 October in Istanbul....
Institut du Bosphore President Bahadır Kaleağası shared his analysis and thoughts during the conference-debate entitled “Türkiye and the EU enlargement process” organized by the Institute for International and Strategic Affairs (IRIS)...
Institut du Bosphore and Gide Loyrette Nouel have jointly organized the debate entitled “Beyond the elections in Türkiye: The geopolitical and economic perspectives ” in Paris....
Institut du Bosphore President Bahadır Kaleağası shared his analysis and thoughts during the conference-debate organized by the Institute for International and Strategic Affairs (IRIS) on the theme “Elections in Turkey: which stakes?” on 20 April 2023. ...
Institut du Bosphore organized, in collaboration with Global Relations Forum (GRF), a virtual roundtable entitled « EU – France – Turkey : Common targets and challenges in the context of international crisis »....
En présence de Bahadır Kaleağası, Président de l’Institut du Bosphore et Michel Derdevet, Président de la Maison de l’Europe de Paris; avec la participation de Joachim Bitterlich, Ambassadeur (e.r.), ancien conseiller diplomatique du chancelier allemand Helmut Kohl, Professeur à ESCP Europe Paris et de Dorothée Schmid, Responsable du programme Turquie contemporaine...
Institut du Bosphore organized a virtual roundtable entitled “Economy Beyond the Pandemic” on 16th of September with the participation of members of Turkish & France Parliament/Senate Friendship Groups and Committees in charge of foreign and European affairs....
Institut du Bosphore, TUSIAD and Berlin Bosphorus Initiative have jointly organized a virtual roundtable meeting entitled « Call for Action for Turkey & Europe |Time to Be Wiser and Visionary » on Friday 30th of October....
The virtual round table of Institut du Bosphore tackled pivotal questions regarding the main challenges in the Eastern Mediterranean and explored ways to restore constructive dialogue. ...