27 Jan Cercle de l’Institut Meeting, 27 January 2020, Paris
The Cercle de l’Institut meeting was held on 27 January 2020 at AXA headquarters in Paris around the theme « 20 Years After Helsinki: The World – Europe – Turkey and the Future of the Western Alliance » with Eric Chaney, Economic Advisor, Institut Montaigne, Laurence Daziano, Lecturer in Economics, Sciences Po Paris & Scientific Committee Member, Institut du Bosphore, Selim Kuneralp, Ambassador (ret.), Soli Özel, Lecturer in International Relations, Kadir Has University & Scientific Committee Member, Institut du Bosphore. After the opening remarks of Institut du Bosphore President Bahadır Kaleağası, the debate was moderated by Vice President Livio Manzini.
The event was organized following to the publication of Institute’s policy paper series in 2019: www.institut-bosphore.org/research-notes