Sciences Po – Bosphorus 2019 Prize

Institut du Bosphore and Sciences Po Paris School of International Affairs (PSIA) awarded the Sciences Po-Bosphorus 2019 Prize, for this third annual edition organized under the theme “Turkey, France, EU: What scope for solving common challenges?”.

During the award ceremony organized at Sciences Po on Friday, 17 May 2019, Institut du Bosphore Board Member Denis Simonneau, handed out the 2019 prize to the laureates, Ediz Topcuoğlu as the first-prize winner and Jason Essomba, as the second-prize winner.

Their article are also available on

The ceremony was followed by an interactive debate on the same topic introduced by Mark Maloney, Vice Dean, PSIA, with Laurence Daziano, Institut du Bosphore Scientific Committee Member and Lecturer in Economics at Sciences Po and Olivier de Laroussilhe, Lecturer at PSIA, Sciences Po and Former Head of Unit (DG Trade), European Commission.

 Winners of Sciences Po – Bosphorus Prize 2019