Sciences Po – Bosphorus 2018 Prize

Institut du Bosphore awarded “Sciences Po-Bosphorus Prize” winners during a ceremony organized on Mondy 9th April 2018 in partnership with the Paris School of International Affairs (PSIA) of Sciences Po and with the participation of Bahadır Kaleağası, President of Institut du Bosphore, Livio Manzini, Vice President of Institut du Bosphore and Mark Maloney, Vice Dean of PSIA.

The 2018 prize was awarded to two students, Thomas Dumont, student in the Master in European Affairs at the Sciences Po School of Public Affairs (EAP) as the first-prize winner and Eva Fourel, student at the Undergraduate College of Sciences Po Paris as the second-prize winner.
The ceremony was followed by a panel entitled “Turkey’s European Integration Process” moderated by Laura Batalla, Secretary General of the European Parliament Turkey Forum, with the participation of Bahadır Kaleağası, President, Institut du Bosphore; CEO, TUSIAD and PSIA faculty members Yves Bertoncini, President, European Movement France and Pierre Mirel, former diplomat, DG Enlargement, European Commission.

 Winners of Sciences Po – Bosphorus Prize 2018