15 May Institut du Bosphore Scientific Committee Meeting, 15 May 2014, Paris
Harlem Désir, French Secretary of State for European Affairs, H.E. Hakkı Akil, Ambassador of Turkey to France and Pierre Moscovici, former French Minister of Economy and Finance and member of the Scientific Committee of the Institut du Bosphore were guests of honor at the 10th meeting of the Scientific Committee of Institut du Bosphore, co -chaired by Kemal Derviş, former Turkish Economy Minister, Vice-President of the Brookings Institution, and Anne Lauvergeon, Chairwoman of the Commission Innovation 2030, le jeudi 15 mai à Paris.
“The implications of the Ukrainian crisis for Turkey and the European Union” and “Overview of political and economic issues in Turkey and France-Turkey relations” were the main topics of discussion on the agenda.
Muharrem Yılmaz, Chairman of the TUSIAD (Turkish Industry and Business Association) and member of the Scientific Committee of the Institut du Bosphore, shared his assessment on the economic and political developments of Turkey in the light of global financial crisis.
The debate on the key messages that Institut du Bosphore intends to convey in Brussels were presented following the conclusion remarks of Bahadır Kaleağası, president of the Institut du Bosphore, on the outcome of the first round table of Institut du Bosphore organized in collaboration with Confrontations Europe, TUSIAD and Brussels Energy Club (BREC) on 25 April in Brussels. The economic benefits of Europe concerning the opening of the Energy chapter in the accession negotiations of Turkey to the European Union were particularly highlighted.