Institut du Bosphore Scientific Committee Meeting, 20 May 2015, Paris

Harlem Désir, French Secretary of State for European Affairs and H.E. Hakkı Akil, Ambassador of Turkey to France were guests of honor at the 11th meeting of the Scientific Committee of Institut du Bosphore, held with the participation of Kemal Derviş, Co-president of the Scientific Committee and Vice-President of the Brookings Institution, Simone Kaslowski, CEO, Organik Kimya and TUSIAD Board Member, Livio Manzini, Chairman & CEO, Bell Holding AS and Chairman of Working group “France” of TUSIAD and Bahadır Kaleağası, Institut du Bosphore on 20th May 2015 in Paris.

Yves Bertoncini, Director of Jacques Delors Institute, Thierry Pech, Director General of Terra Nova and Soli Özel, Lecturer of International Relations Department in Kadir Has University, Institut du Bosphore Scientific Committee Member shared their assessments on the political, economic and international actuality of France and Turkey. “The parliamentary elections in Turkey”, “The political crisis in the Middle East” and “The relations with Russia” were the main topics of discussion on the agenda.

The meeting gathered together several Scientific Committee members: Lucien Arkas, Chairman of Board of Directors, Arkas Holding, Henri de Castries, Chairman & CEO of AXA, Hélène Conway-Mouret, French Senator, Meral Cremon, Deputy VP for Turkey, Safran, Laurence Dumont, Vice-president of French National Assembly, Claude Fischer-Herzog, Director of ASCPE-Les Entretiens Européens, Nedim Gürsel, writer, Michel Rocard, Former French Prime Minister, Denis Simonneau, Member of the Executive Committee, Engie, Bernard Soulage, Vice-President of Rhône-Alpes Regional Council, Catherine Tasca, French Senator, Sinan Ülgen, Chairman of EDAM and Denis Verret, President of DV Conseil, as well as H.E. Mithat Rende, Ambassador of Turkey to the OECD, Muriel Domenach, Consul General of France in Istanbul.