20 May Sciences Po – Bosphorus 2020 Prize
Institut du Bosphore and Sciences Po Paris School of International Affairs (PSIA) awarded the Sciences Po-Bosphorus 2020 Prize, for this fourth annual edition organized under the theme “Sustainable cities and communities (SDG 11): which models and policies to enhance the cooperation and partnerships between France and Turkey”.
During the award ceremony which took place via zoom on 20 May, Livio Manzini, Vice President of Institut du Bosphore and Mark Maloney, Vice Dean of PSIA handed out the 2020 prize to the laureates, Mathilde Fraisse as the first-prize winner and Edward Hainswoth, as the second-prize winner, students of the Sciences Po Urban School and School of Public Affairs Master programs respectively.
Their article are also available on (click here)
The ceremony was followed by a webinar on smart and sustainable cities in France and in Turkey with the participation of İbrahim Orhan Demir, Deputy Secretary General, Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, Patrick Klugman, Deputy Mayor of Paris, in charge of International Relations, Julien Chiappone-Lucchesi, Commissioner for European and International Affairs, Diplomatic Adviser to the Mayor of Strasbourg, Elise Massicard, Senior researcher at CNRS and Bahadır Kaleağası, President of Institut du Bosphore. The debate focused on SDG11 priorities, smart cities, innovation, environment, mobility, international and intercity cooperation.